Love & Architecture

Once again I find Cleveland an amazing backdrop for photographing couples.   Brian and Julie, both architects, were great tour guides and aficionados of all the amazing structures of Case Western Reserve.  We had a great time and even made a trip the lake for kicks.  Thanks to you both for the inspiration.

Ranalli Boys

This shoot was to be a Father’s Day surprise for an amazing dad with a big love for his family.   I noticed on the way in to the studio that morning a “perfect” location with “perfect” morning light and my hopes were high for a perfect session.   I’ve heard it said and would  agree there are no perfect pictures but there are perfect moments.  It’s been my experience that these moments often don’t occur looking squarely down the lens but in the in-between where the true beauty can breathe.    So thank you Ranalli boys (and Mama Ranalli of course) for being perfectly yourselves.


So today started out a little overwhelming.  Nothing crazy just the normal crunch of modern life that seemed, at least for a moment, more crunched than usual.   Out the door on onward to morning task one but thinking already of afternoon task six and then this little face popped in my mind and the message was clear.  You gotta celebrate the victories as they come.  Amazing Millie you inspire; it’s an honor to watch you grow.


Farrah - We describe her as small and mighty so this may be the perfect glimpse of her personality right now. :o) Stay inspired friend.

Stacy - Triumphant Millie!


I took around 300 photographs of Leva and every single one was dazzlingly different.  Leva shined in our session and watching her with her mother touched my heart and continues to in this collection.  Thank you both for all the laughs and love.



Stacy - I love her.

Jose Bastidas

Continuing with my “Faces” series, I’de like to present Jose Bastidas.   I’ve noticed Jose for almost a year as he’s walked by the studio with an easy going stride and sporting fantastic hats.    I wasn’t surprised to learn Jose is an artist, he has a great love of color and creates vivid, surrealist paintings that go well with his Salvador Dali like moustache. Jose has a face that tells a hundred stories and it was an honor to photograph some of them.  He hasn’t felt so hot lately but gladly it sound like he’s on the mend.  Thank you Jose, feel better and  you’ll be in my prayers my friend.


Bjarne Hyldgaard - Hi Chris,
very nice work! He’s got attitude and the lighting is great. Cheers, Bjarne

Doug Titchenal - These are great photos of Jose. Thanks for taking and publishing them.

f a c e b o o k