Our first location shoot of the class was at an amazing movie set of an old western town. Movies like Silverado were shot there and actors like John Wayne and Henry Fonda had card games and shoot outs. We arrived and got right to work, it was litterally the fastest four hours of my life. David gave a great demo on how to use a silk ( a huge diffusion canopy) in open sun as well as where and how to use reflected light, which blew my mind. I was soon off carrying a 7b Profoto pack and strobe head preparing to set it up and hope fully make some images. Found my location and talked some direction to the model and began to wrestle with my light. David strolled over and in an encouraging way ask why wasn’t I using “the God given light.” I think as photographers we tend to complicate things and I certainly was, this amazing south western light all around and I’m going add to it? So with that I sparingly used the strobe but mostly reflected, diffused or used sunlight directly. Here are some images from the day. Thanks for visiting.