So it’s been awhile since the last blog. Busy, busy, busy as they say; busy or overwhelmed. I would teeter to overwhelmed. The summer pace has been one big seasonal leap from June to now Sept with the contradicting questions: did we releax enough, did we pack enough in? So given that, not a lot of blogging happening but I hope to change that asap. Sorry to those that drop by here from time to time, we’re still here and will be sharing some lovely stuff soon. So with that I would like start with an image that was taken last year and has seen limited visibility. It’s of my dear friend Rusty who’s birthday was this past week. I could write pages about this man but will simple say that he has the gift of loving recklessly, giving without need for getting back and power of living in the present moment. Happy Birthday my friend, what a party it was.
Susie - this is such a great picture of Rusty…artistically but mostly because looking at it I see him and his fierce and warm love. Thank you for that visual reminder from one who is far away for now.