favorites of 2011 – day 5

This photograph holds a lot of charm for me.  A stolen sweet moment between Amy and her brand spankin new husband Drew.


favorites of 2011 – Day 4

Well, perhaps I over reached in making this a daily post, I had high hopes but hey thats life.  All that said here’s another favorite.   I have a motto, never put your camera away and this image is a perfect reason why.  The shoot was over and Carter and Fred were basking in the rewards of their lollies and  in Ray Bans no less, a great moment presented and with  camera in hand, voila.

Favorites of 2011 – Day 3

I would say often the last thing a two about to be three year old boy wants to do hang out and have his picture taken.  So what do you do as he takes laps around the studio?  Erase all expectations of the shots you thought you would take and wait for the ones that present themselves.  Odds are those photos are better, say much more about your subject and will truly make you smile.  Here’s a couple that this little guy threw my way.


Favorites of 2011- Day 2

I love this image of Erin and her daughter Emma, it’s just pure.  I’ve known Erin since high school, it was wonderful and surreal to watch with her kids, I’ll be sharing more of their shoot next month.  So here’s day two, this is going to be tuff.




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